Online booking

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Treat yourself to some relaxation on the top floor of the hotel. Simmer in the indoor pool or bubbling jacuzzi with beautiful evening views over the Žilina city skyline. Alternatively, work up steam in our new Finnish sauna or one of our two steam saunas.

Opening hours

Monday – Thursday

15:30 – 21:30

Friday – Sunday

14:30 – 21:30




Price list

2 hours entrance fee

Adults (13 years and above)        20 EUR

Children (4 to 12 years)                10 EUR


Children from 4 to 12 years old are allowed to enter the wellness area only until 6:00 p.m.

Accommodated guests have a 50% discount on admission to the above prices.

For more information, please contact the Spanorama reception at 00421(0) 41 50 50 950 during opening hours, or via email on